I am asked regularly – based on my experiences as a senior leader, an Executive Coach, and a Non-Executive Director – if I could change one thing about leadership in organisations what would it be?   My answer would be to make continuous leadership development a requirement for anyone who is a leader within an organisation. …

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Leadership fascinates me, currently as an Executive Coach and Non-Executive Director and previously in my leadership role in a complex global organisation.  At a macro level, the behaviours and capabilities of an organisation’s leaders have a huge impact on engagement, productivity, morale and retention.  At a human level, for many people how much they enjoy…

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As an Executive Coach I am often engaged to support an individual’s role transition when they have just been promoted or are about to be promoted, leading a team. Coaching, which by its nature is tailored to the individual, is a great option for giving the individual a safe and confidential space to work out how…

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When I am asked to name the key thing which I have learned through my journey as an Executive Coach it is the power of reflection. I wish I had known about the positive impacts of reflection when I was in the corporate world, as I believe it would have made me a more effective leader. Now…

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I recently wrote about the Power of Reflection https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/power-reflection-irene-grant Whilst the beauty of reflection is that you choose what to reflect upon – what’s important for you at that time – I thought it might be useful to follow up with a suggestion for Reflection which I also use in my Executive Coaching: “How do…

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When a coaching client feels they are at a crossroads, one of the first questions I ask them is “what does ‘success’ mean to you?”  Often it is not a question which they have consciously considered but doing so can bring a very different perspective to what the next chapter (and potentially beyond) should hold…

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I love the Anne Lamott quote “almost everything will work if you unplug it for a few minutes…including you.” It’s a humorous take on a serious point: it is so important for physical and mental health to take regular and refreshing breaks from work. In my coaching practice, I am concerned by the number of…

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Taking my own advice – part 2 – NXD and Charity Trustee roles. When I am coaching or mentoring senior leaders I am often asked about the value of taking on Non Executive Director or Charity Trustee roles. This is not something to be undertaken lightly as you will be assuming legal responsibility for the…

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In my coaching practice I regularly work with individuals who are looking to make a step change in their career, either within their current organisation, moving to a different organisation or changing careers completely.  Every individual and situation is different but usually there is an interview to prepare for somewhere in the coaching assignment.  As ever in…

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